
As you may know there is a lack of funding for film projects (and many other creative projects) across the UK, and we have researched for other ways for fund-raising such as grants and competitions and asking institutions for any contribution (we are currently in contact with women's charities to help improve the script and make it more realistic). Crowd funding and other self-funding methods are the only way to make this project happen in the current economic climate.

We need $1500 (about £950) in order to pay for our actors, transport for ourselves and equipment, catering on set, props and decoration for the set, costumes, to hire make-up artists and hair stylists (needed everyday on set) and special effects make-up artists (needed one day on set) and to pay for locations.

We are currently running a campaign on the crowd sourcing website IndieGoGo to raise the budget for our film. You can find out more at our campaign site.

We are also fund-raising by holding a DJ and band night in Falmouth.


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